👨‍💻 3 Free Services for Practicing SQL and Python



When you start learning SQL and Python, you need lots of practice. It's great if you have real tasks at work, but if not, I recommend these free services. They will help you get the practice you need and improve your skills.


  1. HackerRank

⚡️ You can practice many different languages, including SQL and Python.

⚡️ You can get certified in technical skills by taking the HackerRank Skills Certification Test.

⚡️ HackerRank is completely free.


  1. StrataScratch

⚡️ It's a data science platform with over 1,000 real interview questions (coding and non-coding) from top companies like Google, Netflix, Apple, Airbnb, and Spotify.

⚡️ New interview questions come out every month, and many are free.


  1. LeetCode

⚡️ It has lots of coding challenges from big companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft to help you get better at algorithms and data structures.

⚡️ New problems are added all the time, and many are free.


Watch my video👁 to see how it works.


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